309 Main Street
Salmon, Idaho 83467

Monday-Friday 9:00 am-6:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am-3:00 pm Sunday CLOSED
Salmon Pharmacy Fun Facts
Did you know?
Benjamin Franklin
Did you know that Benjamin Franklin (before his discovery of electricity) worked as a pharmacist dispensing medicines, herbs, and assisting sick people with their illnesses?
Some of the oldest pharmaceutical records can be traced and dated back to Egypt in 1500 B.C.
Oldest Pharmaceutical Records
Clinical Trials
Did you know that it can take more than 5-10 years and over $10 billion to bring a new medication to the market? Medications are often tested on over 100,000 people (known as “clinical trials”) before they are released to the general public.
Dr. Pepper and Coca-Cola were both invented by pharmacists. Most people know that Coca-Cola historically had cocaine in the ingredients, but did you know that the motivation behind Dr. Pepper was to create a drink that smelled like a drug store?
Rx Symbol
It is most commonly accepted that the modern day Rx symbol is derived from the short hand version of "Recipe", although there are very similar symbols that appear in old Egyptian writings, meaning that the Rx symbol might actually have Egyptian origins.